Company newsYour position   shenli Advertising Hae Been Launched on CCTV-1 
2014-01-06Advertising Hae Been Launched on CCTV-1

Chengde Shenli Food Co., Ltd., as the largest chestnuts manufacturer in China, starts to launch TV advertisement on CCTV-1 to promote its brand slogan" Kuancheng chestnuts, the best  Chestnuts in China" from Aug.2 of 2012.In order to let more people know about our company and establish the brand image "Shenli", we will launch more advertising in future—so stay tuned please !
Play time:  6:57 am-7:55 am of the even-numbered days 
        at CCTV-1 General Channel and CCTV-News Channel “Morning News”